FIAP 50 years Anniversary logo

“Philatelic Congress of India (PCI) extends its heartiest congratulations to the Federation of Inter Asian Philately (FIAP) and is proud to be a part of its glorious journey, since the beginning of this journey.”

FIAP 50 years Anniversary logo

“Philatelic Congress of India (PCI) extends its heartiest congratulations to the Federation of Inter Asian Philately (FIAP) and is proud to be a part of its glorious journey, since the beginning of this journey.”

The Philatelic Congress of India (PCI) is the National Philatelic Federation of Philatelists and Philatelic Societies in India. It was formed in a Preparatory General Body meeting held in Calcutta (Kolkata) on 29th December 1975 during the National Philatelic Exhibition INPEX-1975. PCI was established as a National Federation in consulation and association of the Department of Post (DOP).

It was agreed and as a general practice followed that philatelic activities shall be carried out by DOP in consultation with PCI. The Philatelic Advisory Committee (PAC) was formed as per the recommendation of PCI.

Our Activities

Membership E


PCI accepts Institutional, Life and Associate members.

Signet PCI


Signet is Quarterly Journal of the Philatelic Congress of India.

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PCI Awards

Philatelic Recognition Awards by The Philatelic Congress of India.


Accredited Jury

PCI Accredited FIP, FIAP, National and State Level Jurors.

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The Roster of the Philatelic Congress of India Approved National Commissioners.

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FIP Commissions

Indian Delegates and Bureau Members to the FIP Commissions.



PCI grants recognition and patronage to the National Philatelic Exhibitions



From time to time, the Philatelic Congress of India organizes Seminars 


PCI Youth Academy

The PCI Youth Academy was recently launched


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Boston 2026

BOSTON 2026 is sanctioned by American Philatelic Society (APS) in accordance to Fédération Internationale de Philatélie (FIP).

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Dubai 2026

DUBAI 2026 is a “FIP Specialised World Stamp” Exhibition will be held 4-8 February 2026 at the Sheikh Maktoum Hall, WTC, Dubai, UAE.

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Thailand 2025

Under the Patronage of FIAP National Commissioner for the THAILAND 2025 – Asian International Stamp Exhibition appointed.